This time in 4 weeks I’ll have just completed the first day climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro. This is something that I have dreamed of doing for as long as I can remember. I have no idea why, or what triggered this dream, but all I know is that its always been there in the back of mind.
Three weeks ago I publicly committed to completing 50 challenges in 2 years; some physical, some on my bucket list, some out of my comfort zone, some more charitable and so on. Almost instantly I thought ‘oh no, I’ve actually got to do these now and how am I going to tick off almost one a fortnight’. Not so clever Victoria, why couldn’t you just be like ‘normal’ people and spend your time off relaxing instead of manically making plans.
The answer is all in my mind. I have come to realise that I am never completely happy unless I’m pushing myself – I thrive under pressure or when out of my comfort zone. Not necessarily at the time, but afterwards the adrenalin and exhilaration that I feel can stay with me for hours, days and even weeks. The irony though is that more often than not whilst I am actually completing the challenge, usually a run, I am in a constant negative battle with my mind. A typical run goes something like this…. So I have been talking about doing 50 at 50 for over a year and now its time to actually put my money where my mouth is and set about doing some of these challenges.
There is a growing realisation that I am going to have to be seriously organised if I'm actually going to achieve 50 challenges in two years - that averages out at almost one every couple of weeks. How on earth am I going to find time to do this when I have a demanding job, a teenager embarking on GCSEs with plenty of out of school commitments and the usual crazy family life? It makes me want to give up before I even start, but that is the whole point. It is time to put some pizzazz back into my life and practice what I preach when I say that anything is possible if you just put your mind to it! So for those of you who haven't a clue what I am talking about and haven't yet visited my website this is what I'm banging on about.... |
Almost 50-something attempting to complete 50 challenges in two yearsArchivesCategories